Activist group pushes for more community development projects

NORWALK– Members from the city activism group, Norwalk Unides, encouraged city council to invest in community development and social services projects as the council discussed the budget for the fiscal year.

The fiscal year 2022/23 city budget allocates the majority of the general fund revenues under the public safety and public services department.

At $23.1 million, the Public Safety department takes up approximately 35.7% of the city’s general funds. The largest budget item in public safety is the sheriff’s contract of $15.7 million.

The Public Services department takes up approximately 21.1% of the city’s general funds with $13.7 million.

Jana Stuard, Norwalk’s director of finance, explained that revisions to the city budget would include the addition of converting three part-time public safety officers to full-time. The revision to the budget would also include increasing hours for staff in the social services department.

Sylvester Ani, a member of Norwalk Unides, expressed his support for the additional funds for social services.

“I’d like to look into a guaranteed income as well,” Ani said. “It’s something that has been practiced in cities all over the country. Invest directly into families and they understand what they need and that provides more safety for people in bad situations.”

During the meeting, the city council also discussed updating the housing element of the general plan, as required by state law.

The proposed changes included the production of new housing units, the preservation of existing affordable housing and the provision of resources and services for homeless individuals and families.

Hemma Rodriguez from Norwalk Unides supported the resolution to add more affordable housing to the city.

“Additional staff capacity can help the city, secure county and state grants, make partnership with nonprofit affordable and make sure Norwalk is an affordable place to live,” Rodriguez said. “I also support allocation of additional American rescue plan act funds for the purpose of providing more affordable housing and more investments.”

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