Saints celebrate 60 years of youth football and cheer
Coach Erroll Tucker leads his team during the Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs Saints youth football’s 60th Anniversary Opening Day at Little Lake Park on Saturday. (Photo by Keith Durflinger)
NORWALK – It seems like a long time since the last opening day ceremony for the Norwalk-Santa Fe Springs Saints youth football and cheer program.
Actually, the last opener was in 2019 and last Saturday (August 13), it all came together at a packed Little Lake Park with parents, city officials and all of the players from the five divisions waiting to finally be recognized as a team.
To top it off, it was the 60th Anniversary of the organization.
“Yesterday’s event was long awaited,” NSFS president Babetta Gomez said. “We were not able to have opening day last season after coming back from the lockdown because equipment was delayed due to the shutdown.
“It’s our 60th anniversary and it is very special,” said an emotional Gomez. “We had a lot of obstacles getting here. As a board, for the kids, we worked together and kept it going. We’ve always, as a board, supported each other for the kids and the community. We were always still standing strong. We were able to get here to our 60th.”
In attendance were the following city officials from both Norwalk and Santa Fe Springs: Rick Ramirez, Norwalk Mayor; Gabriel Jimenez, Little Lake City School District Board Member; Annette Rodriguez, Santa Fe Springs Mayor; Babetta Gomez, President NSFS Youth Football Program; Joe Angel Zamora, Santa Fe Springs Mayor Pro-Tem; Nick Cabral, NSFS Vice President & Head Coach 14U; Juanita Martin, Santa Fe Springs Council member and Norwalk Vice Mayor, Ana Valencia.
The ceremonies opened with the City of Norwalk’s LCPI Worley Young Marines (Lance Corporal Worley) color guard leading everyone in the National Anthem.
The city officials gathered and gave all of the players high fives as they passed by when the teams were introduced.
“Our kids have worked hard all off season at our Sunday clinic in preparation for the start of our regular season,” Gomez said. “It’s good to finally see them play against another team. I know the kids are excited. My own son was really looking forward to playing Hawaiian Gardens today.”
Gomez explained the difficulty in getting ready for the season.
“It was a little difficult getting equipment this season,” Gomez said. “We had to go through three different vendors and some online companies, but we got the job done.
“We have every division this season and our teams are full. We are grateful for that.”
The visiting Hawaiian Gardens flag team had difficulties getting all of their kids there (Saturday). So, in typical Saints fashion, the coaches worked together with their coaches and were able to have a practice game.
The 8U team didn’t have a game scheduled, but they hung out along with their coaches to support all the other teams.
The 10U & 14U also played Hawaiian Gardens, while the 12U team played a round robin with Hawaiian Gardens and Downey.
From left, Norwalk Mayor Rick Ramirez, Little Lake CSD Board Member Gabriel Jimenez, Santa Fe Springs Mayor Annette Rodriguez, President, Babetta Gomez, Santa Fe Springs Mayor Pro-Tem Joey Zamora, Vice President Nick Cabral and Santa Fe Springs Councilmember Juanita Martin during the Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs Saints Youth Football’s 60th Anniversary Opening Day at Little Lake Park on Saturday. (Photo by Keith Durflinger)
“We’re looking forward to seeing both these teams during the regular season.” Added Gomez. “This program is my heart and it’s a lot of work to run, but I’m happy to do it.”
Gomez added her personal touch to the Saints program:
“All three of my kids have been Saints,” she said. “My two older boys went through the program and have even helped coach.”
“My middle son helped me last season as our equipment manager. My own experience as a parent in this program is great. I met long-lasting friends that became part of my family and in some ways, they helped me raise my boys.
“My hope is that every parent gets that same experience - nothing less than great. I am a strong believer that it takes a village to raise our kids and I’m glad to be part of that village.”
The following are board members and coaches:
Monique Martinez - League treasurer
Nick Cabral - Vice President and 14U head Coach
Erroll Tucker. - Athletic Director & 10U Head Coach
Vanessa Garcia - Special events coordinator
Tanya Lopes - Social media manager
Don Ratliff - 6U Head Coach
Anthony Ratliff - 8U head Coach
Ronnie Felic - 12U Head Coach
“Every season is different,” Gomez explained. “We meet new parents. Some stay and some go and that’s OK. As a board, our focus is this league and keeping it growing stronger every season. Sixty years strong and proud to be part of the NSFS Saint Family.”
What they said:
Anthony Ratliff, Coach 8U: “It’s a different field, different grass, but a field away, but It’s the same thing. We love it to be out here. I’m traveling from 30 miles away, but the dedication is here. It’s where we grew up and played. We’re here to bring the Saints back.”
Don Ratliff, Coach 6U: “It feels great to give back to this community we grew up in. Until this day I remember the coaches’ names that affected me. I enjoy being out here helping the kids.”
Jordan Medrano, player, 14U: “I like the tackling, the running, the touchdowns. For offense I play running back and full back. For defense I play linebacker. I live in Norwalk.”
Erroll Tucker, Athletic Director, Coach 10U: “I’m just looking forward to this year and making sure that we get off to a good start and have fun this year.
“After the COVID year in 2020 where we didn’t get a chance to play, a lot of kids were affected throughout the county and state. I think the kids were one year behind coming back and it took a lot to get the kids back into it in 2021. I think now we’re back on the right track. The bright part is we’re back in action in 2022 and we’re ready to play ball.”
Note: Tucker played in the NFL, drafted in 1986 by the Pittsburgh Steelers. He also played for the Buffalo Bills and New England Patriots.
Coach Erroll Tucker
Joe Angel Zamora, Mayor Pro-Tem, SF Springs: “We actually played in this field maybe 35 years ago. It makes me feel great to see the families out here. The best thing in a team is it brings out unity and it also prepares you for jobs. It’s also prepares you for jobs and it also prepares you for the role that you have to have that discipline. That’s the thing that we’re missing in this world with our kids. This is what youth football does. It’s a great thing and it’s an honor to be here and I’m just glad that the kids are here playing football. The season is back. The Norwalk-Santa Fe Springs Saints is a great delight and a joy to my heart.”
Rick Ramirez, Mayor, Norwalk: “I’m honored and privileged to be here on the 60th Anniversary. As an individual I love to see the community building – unity builds community. When you have the dedication of the family and the coaches in our youth in our community, and give them a positive outlet, I think sports builds a camaraderie and sportsmanlike conduct.
“As an elected official, building community is our priority and through sports I think we can accomplish that.”
Annette Rodriguez, Mayor, Santa Fe Springs: “It’s great to be here to support the children. It’s all about the youth and sports is everything. You got to keep the kids in sports. (The 60 years) means everything. It’s our heritage and our legacy. That’s why we’re here to support it. We’ll always be here.”
Jordan Medrano