Norwalk teen is finalist in arts competition

Selena Hamilton, of Norwalk, performs at Walt Disney Concert Hall. (Photo courtesy The Music Center)

Selena Hamilton, of Norwalk, performs at Walt Disney Concert Hall. (Photo courtesy The Music Center)

NORWALK – Norwalk teen Selena Hamilton has been named a finalist in The Music Center’s 33rd Annual Spotlight Program, a nationally acclaimed arts training and scholarship program for talented young people.

As a finalist, Hamilton has won a $5,000 college scholarship.

Hamilton performed in the competition’s finale, which was filmed at Walt Disney Concert Hall. The event was hosted by John Groban and premieres May 22 on YouTube. It will also air on KCET and PBS SoCal this summer.

Hamilton, a high school junior, is home schooled and studies dance.

Earlier this year, the Music Center named 16 semifinalists in each of seven categories—acting, ballet, dance, classical voice, non-classical voice, classical instrumental and jazz instrumental. This year, nearly 1,500 teens representing more than 275 schools, 194 cities and 8 counties auditioned for the program.

All Spotlight applicants receive written feedback from distinguished panels of judges following each audition round to help students improve and gain knowledge in their particular performance discipline.

“Spotlight is completely free with no financial barriers to participate, which gives equal footing to kids looking to make their dreams come true, no matter their talent level,” said Jeri Gaile, director of The Music Center’s Spotlight program. “Each round in the audition process is a little different so the knowledge and connections each participant makes compound, especially as the semifinalists attend mastery classes. Spotlight is very much an exploration of artistic skills and the students’ capacity to grow as individuals. We absolutely love seeing them shine throughout the process and over the years that they participate.”