Norwalk Lions treat 20 students to back-to-school shopping spree


NORWALK – Twenty wide-eyed and smiling Norwalk students received the support of the Lions Club and Walmart through a joint backpack and personal items give-away Wednesday evening.

Norwalk Lions President Anthony Garcia shared that it was a collaboration between members of the Norwalk Lions Club and the Norwalk Walmart Store.

In fact, it was 20-plus year member Donald Valenzuela who donated school supplies along with the Walmart store’s contributions of the same.

Each student was selected through the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified and Little Lake City school districts.

Each student had their vital information like clothing and shoes sizes available for the volunteers who accompanied them in groups of two and three.


The project was coordinated by the Norwalk Lions education chairperson Norma Amezcua.

What was noticeable was the different shopping styles of some of the volunteer Lion Chaperones.

Amezcua, while having no daughters, felt that a sure fit for her two girl students was sufficient, while Lion club member Dora Sandoval made sure there was room for growth and clothing shrinkage. Sandoval has raise two daughters of her own.

All in all, everyone had smiles, laughs and a sense of excitement for the shopping spree.

Grandparent Brenda Martinez sat with several other parents and guardians as her three grandchildren shopped with Anthony Garcia.

In addition to those mentioned already, members present included Custodio Celste, Lynda Fisher, John Layton, Jr., Nicky McKlean, Carmen Navarro, and volunteer Rosa Barragan.

The goal of the evening’s activities was to ensure that those students selected had the necessary tools to start the school year off in a positive direction.

Each student received a backpack along with a $50 spending account for the shopping spree. It was Norwalk Lion member and Walmart assistant manager Lynda Fisher who aided in the program.

According to President Garcia, there are plans to repeat the program again next year hoping to continue on an annual basis.

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