Lynwood board of education votes to make school campuses ‘safe havens’

LYNWOOD – Lynwood Unified’s Board of Education has unanimously adopted a district resolution that pledges to shield identifying information about students, families and employees.
“The safety and security of our students is a top priority for this District, and the education process cannot be successfully conducted if our students and staff are worried about the futures of themselves and their families,” LUSD Superintendent Paul Gothold said in a statement. “This is the least we can do to ensure their path to college and career goes uninterrupted.”
According to a press release, Lynwood Unified’s board of education decided to declare all district schools as safe haven campuses after receiving numerous reports from students, families and staff who were concerned about deportation. The concerns grew out of rhetoric during the recent presidential election targeting immigrants and Muslims.
Lynwood Unified said it would increase partnerships with local organizations and submit a letter to the president affirming that the district “will continue celebrating and upholding the core ideals of the community.”
Teachers, staff and administrators have already begun training to implement the policy, which includes not inquiring about a student’s residency status, religious background or sexual orientation.
“It is our commitment to let everyone in Lynwood Unified and our community know that we care for them and are here for them,” LUSD Board President Alma-Delia Renteria said. “We are standing up for what’s right, and our students and their families deserve to know that they will be kept safe as they pursue their right to obtain the best education possible in Lynwood.”

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